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Our Mission:

Transforming urban tree inventories and vitality management with satellite data and AI.

Unlocking cost-efficient and swift inventories with digital twins of your urban trees.

Providing targeted tree vitality insights through live monitoring along critical infrastructure.

Only 10% of urban trees are known

Our research reveals that Nordic municipalities have only 10% of urban trees in their maintenance database. This gap exists because traditional tree inventories are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and cover only small areas.

Manual data handling is cumbersome, maintenance is challenging, and differing standards across campaigns make comparisons difficult. Additionally, tree data quickly becomes outdated, and storm-felled trees often go unrecorded.

Benefits of urban trees

Urban trees are crucial for our well-being and urban biodiversity. They offer essential ecosystem services, including noise reduction, improved air quality, and temperature cooling.

The most important services trees providing us with are shown in figure (source: Greenpeace)

With climate change and increasing urban populations, the significance of urban trees is growing. Furthermore, new EU legislation (see- below), national laws and guidelines mandate municipalities to maintain and monitor urban trees.

How we fill the gap

We leverage best-in-class remote sensing and AI technology to transform urban tree management. Our advanced tools allow municipalities to perform fast, cost-efficient, and accurate tree inventories across urban areas.

This modern approach ensures up-to-date information, streamlined maintenance, and regulatory compliance, promoting healthier and more sustainable urban environments.

We support your compliance with new laws

A new European law requires municipalities to enhance their knowledge and management of urban trees, supporting the broader push for green infrastructure and biodiversity preservation. The EUs Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and Green Infrastructure Strategy emphasize integrating green infrastructure into urban planning, including comprehensive tree inventories European Commission.

The EU promotes using remote sensing and AI technologies for efficient tree inventories, aiming to combat climate change, improve air quality, and boost urban biodiversity. For more details, visit the European Commission’s pages on Green Infrastructure and EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

Product Portfolio

Our portfolio comprises three interconnected products, each of which can function independently or together as a cohesive, plug-and-play solution.

Together, our products form an integrated solution that enhances tree management, ensures consistent standards, and provides valuable insights for tree maintenance, planning and sustainability.

Digital Twins – Precision Tree Inventory

The first product revolutionizes tree inventory by automating processes and standardizing. Using satellite and airborne data, we provide a cost-efficient, swift, and city-wide tree inventory.

Our AI-enhanced approach delivers detailed geo-locations and attributes of trees, offering crucial insights like tree count, age distribution, and species composition, essential for improved tree management.

Tree Vitality Monitoring

The second product focuses on long-term urban tree monitoring. This service provides live health assessments of vegetation along critical infrastructures. The continuous monitoring system enables precise vegetation management by highlighting areas requiring immediate action, thus prioritizing risk management and maintenance tasks.

By monitoring trees along streets, paths, playgrounds, schools, and daycares, municipalities can enhance safety while reducing costs through efficient risk management.

Green Urban Insights

The third product offers a comprehensive insights portfolio, specifically tailored for urban environments. These insights can be delivered as a one-time report or as continuous updates, providing valuable information on urban green spaces.

This data-driven approach supports informed decision-making, contributing to the sustainable development and maintenance of urban ecosystems.

Let’s meet and discuss how easy it is: to create digital twins of your urban trees

Customer Testimonials

Green Urbansights delivered outstanding tree inventory results, exceeding our accuracy expectations. Their solution filled the gaps in our tree inventory database, giving us comprehensive knowledge of all trees in Lund. With complete tree distribution data, our analysis, maintenance, and planning have significantly improved. The team was highly professional and transparent throughout the project.

Johan Larsson – Tree strategist at Lund Municipality.